Sunday, 23 December 2012

London 2013

I am starting to plan my trip to London town next February. My last trip was organised but not organised enough. Plans fell through and I had no back up. I also relied far too much on the weather. I have written up a little list of hopeful models to work with, which I am working my way through with contacting them about it.

My overall plan for this trip is to continue to build up my portfolio and to start collecting images for a book i'd like to bring out, hopefully next year but if not the year after.
Taking my main inspiration from Andrea Lavezzaro, Stuart Mitchell & Josefine Jonsson, I hope to produce a book on alternative glamour, fashion & fetish. I am going to explore instant film as a new medium aswell as 35mm and digital. I think the idea of a mixed media book would be really interesting to produce.

Keep your eyes peeled for updates and have a little look at some images I got from my last trip.
Love Jordane x

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