Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Self Made

My good friend and model, Miss Sophie Butcher and I finally got round to doing our first shoot in months. We managed to get hold of Self Made tattoo studio in Gt Yarmouth for a couple of hours. Combined with some gorgeous new Jane Doe Latex and Sophie's usual enthusiastic attitude we got some successful images which *fingers crossed* may squeeze themselves into Bizarre Magazine (a girl can dream)
It was such a cold and windy day and being in Yarmouth isn't the most glamorous of places. I walked around for a bit to check out the 'sites' and found a shut down wax museum.

It looked really cool from the outside but i'm not sure if there is anyway I could sneak in/around it for a future shoot. Either way I thought it was kinda creepy-cool. When I met Sophie we were quick to get the latex on and the lights set up. Overall the day was really fun - full of lots of spontaneous ideas and uses of the location. I feel I could have made use of the location a bit better however due to the nature of it, it was hard to work in most places.
Let me know what you think! :) Jordane x

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